Car Storage near Farnham
Fully Dehumidified
Security and peace of mind
- The premises have full CCTV both internally and externally. Your car is always on camera 24/7.
- Security intruder alarms linked to our monitoring station and staff that live on site
- Heat sensing fire alarms
Purpose built prestige car storage facility
- Fully sealed and dust resistant
- Battery charge points in all bays
- Service and workshop bays
- Indoor cleaning bay

Vehicle Storage Overview
On arrival, your vehicle will receive a pre-storage clean, if required. A full appraisal will be carried out along with a photographic record. The vehicle will then be placed into storage. Whether it is for long or short-term storage, Outwood offer one storage level as we believe, whether it is a Mini or a Ferrari, it is your pride and joy and should be looked after accordingly.

Full Detailing and Valeting Service
Outwood have full-time staff to prepare you vehicle to whatever level you decide, whether it be a Wash & Vac to fully detailed Concours-level preparation.

Why Choose us?
Our facility is de-humidified and heated, which offers your car the equivalent of a 5 star hotel stay !! We strongly suggest against using car covers as the slightest movement causes light scratching. All the vehicles at our facility are kept clean and dust free. Battery trickle charges are kept in use and these are rotated on a regular basis.

Outwood Classic always welcome potential clients to view their facility and this can be arranged from Monday to Friday to suit you. We also have a video of our premises on the home page of the web-site at
Outwood Classic is located on a private estate in the Hampshire countryside. Access is via a private road with electric gates. For your complete piece of mind Outwood Classic has 24 hour CCTV and monitored fire and intruder alarm systems along with 24 hour on site security.